Para Gran Bretaña lo importante no es participar sino demostrar que la tiene mas larga que los demás.
Por su puesto, la reacción es clara de parte del mundo del waterpolo y nosotros (o yo vaya) no íbamos a ser menos.
Jose Javier Montón Cruz me ha enviado este email explicándome la situación y este post es la respuesta.
En el encabezamiento de una de las páginas, hay una recogida de firmas... por nosotros (por mi vaya) que no quede... aunque es solo para britanicos.. de todas maneras suerte.
Hola Cuervo,
Esta temporada estoy jugando en Inglaterra y me han comentado que hay problemas para que la selección de Gran Bretaña participe en los próximos JJOO como anfitriona debido a que el gobierno ha dicho que solo participarán en deportes en los que sean competitivos y el waterpolo no es uno de ellos.
Al parecer ya han dejado colgados a los chavales que llevan entrenando dos años en el centro de Manchester para la ocasión y se ha acabado la financiación.
Te reenvio el mail de mi entrenador y los links para que te informes, seguro que tú puedes hacer algo para correr la voz...
Aprovecho para enviarte un saludo, darte las gracias por el blog, videos, fotos... y felicitarte por la temporada que estais haciendo.
Jose Javier Montón Cruz

Please sign our petition:
Over one thousand signatures now - thank you! Lets get it to 10,000 to make a real impact.
This site has been created as a forum for anyone interested in the development of Water Polo in Great Britain.
Water polo is one of eight sports yet to have its funding for 2012 decided.
UK Sport have said that no sport will be cast adrift -but with current funding levels water polo has already been drowned.
Only sports which are ‘competitive’ will have a place in the Games but how can a team sport achieve the required standard with a budget that does not allow the current improvements in performance to continue?
Water Polo is in a Catch 22 position.
GB play Australia - Cardiff International Pool, August 2008
In response to this virtually all of 2009 planned men’s events have been cancelled.
Water Polo was invented in Great Britain in 1870 and was the first team event in the Modern Olympics. Britain is after Hungary the second most successful team in Olympic Water Polo history.
Since the inception of the Modern Games only one host nation (Finland in 1952) has failed to enter a team. It would be very sad if the nation which invented the game failed to provide teams in 2012.
The Olympic Games has never been a competition but a festival of sport. The final medal table is only one aspect of a successful games.
As a team sport there are only two sets of medals available - men's and women's. Thus it is not seen to offer "value for money".
This is of course totally contrary to the Olympic Creed which reads:-
“The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.”
Sosiego y Calma
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